It's Back! Second Hand Uniform & Boot drive
It's time to dust off the Cobra cobwebs and reskin for season 2022! Let's support our 'growing' community through the share, trade and re-use of our good quality football boots & uniform items.
All donations to be dropped off via: Credlin Porch (red Cobra bin): 62 EmpressRd Surrey Hills
Drop off & sale dates
Feb 18th - March 18th
Drop off donated second hand items to: Credlin Porch (Red Cobra Bin),
62 Empress Rd Surrey Hills
Sunday Feb 27th
Mouthguard Fitting morning.
Canterbury Sports Ground 8am-12pm
Second Hand Stall & boot drive
(Donations Welcome)
Friday March 18th
Second Hand Uniform Stall & Boot Drive
Mouthguard collectionevening 5-7pm
Canterbury Sports Ground